Friday, December 4, 2015

Totalitarian Goverement


How does "Big Brother" connect to a totalitarian government?

Hey Guys! I am reading George Orwell 1984, and it is a very interesting book. There are so many ways you could take  look at things from a different perspective. This story helped me be more aware of the situations going on.

A totalitarian government is a political system in which all authority is in the hands of the state. It is like we are all puppets, and the government is watching and directing us. Ordering us around, and having control over everything. Basically, nothing is a secret, private becomes theirs. The term "Big Brother" is often said in the book "George Orwell 1984". "It was one of those pictures which are so contrived that the eyes follow you about when you move. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the caption beneath it ran (page 2)." I found it very interesting how the author wrote that in Bold and emphasized it a lot. He talks about a society that has so much control, they even monitor their very own thoughts in their mind.

That particular section of the book, Orwell is feeling overpowered, it was more like a threat. The way he described his gaze said a lot about what Orwell thought. Big Brother, can sometimes be seen as a brotherly figure, or one who protects them...."What big brother was saying. It was merely a few words of encouragement, the sort of words that are uttered in the dim of battle, not distinguishable individually but restoring confidence by the fact of being spoken (page 16)."It was a little  comforting as well.  Both "big brother" and the Totalitarian government seemed to go off one rule. Which is to control everything. Since they monitor thoughts, Orwell writing in his journal was a big risk for him. How would you feel if you had your privacy invaded? Would you like it if the government watched us all the time?  


  1. I think although it is not as bad in 1984, the goverment really could watch us all the time if they wanted, they just have bigger things to worry about. Personally, I wouldn't really want my privacy invaded, and taking it to monitoring our thoughts would be a bit much, but I don't have anything to worry about and in some cases it could be safe due to terrorists. In today's society, I think terrorists could find their way around it some how, so it most likely wouldn't even be worth them trying something that big.

    1. Great point! I agree with you, I honestly would not want my privacy invaded either. It's like the whole airport thing. Since 9/11 happened, security was greatly increased. But it hasn't stopped any terrorists.It is just there to make the people "feel safe". Bu like you said, its good to have some form of safety. After all, Its better to be safe than sorry.

  2. I feel as if we already are watched by our government, it is just not as blatant as it is in 1984. They monitor our whereabouts, phone calls, private messages, etc.

    I even have a personal experience that testifies to this. One time my mother and I went to a furniture store looking for a new couch . When we were back home we happened to notice all of the ads on our face books, Instagrams, and even the aol browser on my moms computer were about....FURNITURE.

    This is so beyond creepy to me. I don't like knowing that people are essentially watching my every move. I do understand the aspect that says its for safety, but if you can't trust your ENTIRE nation, as a leader that is something wrong on your end.

    But my question to you you tho k it is all okay if we give up our freedom for this "safety"?

    1. Woah, that is a creepy experience. Thank you for sharing that. I know it is a little nerve-racking knowing that the government can get any information about you. I personally think that we shouldn't give up our freedom for safety. Because America is called the "land of the free" for a reason. They should at least live up to its name. :)
