Thursday, October 22, 2015

# 2 - New York City

When we hear the place "New York city", we might think of the statue of liberty, or the crowded streets, and especially the beautiful tall buildings come to mind. With 26,000 people living in each square mile.It is one of the largest cities in the world.In the book "Game", Jazz is still struggling and fighting to prove that he is not a killer like his father. While that plot is going on, Jazz has a wonderful girlfriend who loves him, and a bestfriend who sticks by him no matter what.  The three of them together were trying to get Jasper's life back in order. Just when things were going dandy, a New York Police officer knocks on his door, and asks him for help on finding another serial killer. Wow, alot to handle right? Imagine walking in Jazz's shoes. Just when there was little peace, chaos entered back into his life. Did you ever go through a situation in your life where everything was perfect one moment and the next, everything seemed to go downhill ?

City life really impacted the action of the story because most of the plot takes place there. Jasper finds out more of who he is. Even though he is battling this good vs evil all of the time, he knows deep down that he never wants to hurt anyone. So Jazz takes the offer and goes to New York City. Since Jasper had been trained ever since he was little, he had a lot of knowledge on the subject of "Serial killing". He was very smart and he used that as a weapon in helping to find out clues that the detectives missed. Jazz helped the police a lot in figuring out many details of the crimes. While he was helping the police, he tried to not to be intimidating or scare them into thinking he was a monster. He didn't want to fall into the trap his father has created for him. Although his father was hidden away he still had a voice of authority in Jasper's mind. In some parts of the book,  the dialogue was Jazz's thoughts and his father telling him that he could take complete authority of a person. be in charge, show them that you are to be feared. " Upstate, to the killer, might as well be the moon. New York City was home. New York City was safe. New York city was the hunting preserve (189)."


  1. This book seems very interesting, and gives sudden twists and turns throughout. I cannot imagine life being so normal and getting back together and then life hits you like a rock all over again. Especially with something as serious as murder. When the cops get involved it gets even scarier. Lives are on the line; I can already tell how suspenseful this book is. Also, how the main character will get around the huge obstacle of is father being a killer, and he is trying to stay out of his own dad's shadow. The book sounds like a big roller coaster ride, but I really like how you focused on one or two main challenges.

    1. Thank you! I loved your book as well...And yes this book was absolutely terrifyingly interesting to read. The book was so full of suspense, and it me the chills at times. But in all, it gets you thinking about the different perspectives of things. Like in Jasper's fathers eyes, murder was ok. He wanted his son to be like him, powerful and feared by all. His son Jasper on the other hand wanted nothing to do with hurting people. He lived to protect his loved ones. It is kinda like the way we read Beowulf's point of view, and Grendel's point of view in class.
